Thursday, October 23, 2008
Croses Pouplume
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rose Theatre
Monday, October 13, 2008
Egyptian pyramids

Monday, October 6, 2008
Gunung Mulu National Park

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Future of Bluetooth
Topology Management: enables the automatic configuration of the piconet topologies especially in scatternet situations that are becoming more common today. This should all be invisible to the users of the technology, while also making the technology just work.
Alternate MAC PHY: enables the use of alternative MAC and PHY's for transporting Bluetooth profile data. The Bluetooth Radio will still be used for device discovery, initial connection and profile configuration, however when lots of data needs to be sent, the high speed alternate MAC PHY's will be used to transport the data. This means that the proven low power connection models of Bluetooth are used when the system is idle, and the low power per bit radios are used when lots of data needs to be sent.
QoS improvements: enable audio and video data to be transmitted at a higher quality, especially when best effort traffic is being transmitted in the same piconet.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Niagara Falls

It is not the tallness, but the width and magnificence of the falls that takes your breath away.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Paricutin Volcano

Monday, September 1, 2008
Angel Falls

Angel Falls was formally discovered in 1933 by an American aviator, James Crawford Angel. Getting to the falls can be difficult and usually involves taking a small flight from Caracus to Canaima and then a boat trip and trek to reach the falls. On the other hand, you could decide to just do an aerial fly-by of the waterfalls.
The falls are named after Jimmy Angel, a daring bush pilot from Missouri (Used to fly with Lindbergh's Flying Circus), today a contemporary legend. Jimmy Angel first saw the falls in 1933 with McCracken while penetrating for a legendary Gold Ore.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Aurora Borealis or Northen Lights

The Northern lights have frequently been described as the most astonishing natural firework display possible – with sparkling lights and surging colors in the sky.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Mount Everest

The first seven attempts on Everest, initial with a reconnaissance in 1921, approached the mountain from Tibet, where a route to the peak via the North Col and North Ridge seemed possible. All were ineffective. George Mallory, who spearheaded the first three expeditions, lost his life with Andrew Irvine throughout a failed ascent in 1924.
Unsuccessful attempts continued through 1938, then halted throughout World War II. By the war's ending, Tibet had closed its borders, and Nepal, previously unreachable, had done the opposite.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

There is some mistake in the name; Rio de Janeiro means River of January, but it is on the shores of Guanabara Bay. The Portuguese sailors who came early were in a naming spree; establish a calm water body within 20 miles of the shore they took it for the mouth of a river and named it Rio de Janeiro -the River of January as they exposed it in the month of January. Now the bay is Guanabara Bay its original name called by the natives and the enormous natural harbor functioning within the bay and the near city all are ‘Harbor of Rio de Janeiro’. It is the capital of the Brazilian state with the similar name -Rio de Janeiro.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is a system of islands and coral reefs that is home to a huge biological variety of plants and animals. In addition to its ecological value, the area offers visitors the possibility to do a diversity of activities – including scuba diving, snorkeling, watersports and birdwatching – and a lot of places along the Queensland coast also present boat trips to the reef on a daily basis.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Grand Canyon

Monday, August 4, 2008
The Pyramid at Chichen Itza

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The site is semi-arid, the friable sandstone which allowable the Nabataeans to carve their temples and tombs into the rock breakdown easily to sand.The colour of the rock ranges from pale yellow or white during rich reds to the darker brown of more resistant rocks. The twisted strata of different-coloured rock form whorls and waves of colour in the rock face, which the Nabataeans browbeaten in their architecture.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Christ Redeemer

Statue of Christ the Redeemer Brazil is surely one of the world's best known and the majority visited monuments.
The statue of Christ the Redeemer represents Jesus standing with outspread, welcoming arms and is one of the most well-known symbols of this lively city.
The entire monument of statue of Christ the Redeemer is 38m elevated with the statue accounting for 30m, the span from finger tip to fingertip is 28m and there is a small chapel housed in the bottom. As a vantage point it offers superb views of downtown Rio de Janeiro, the bay, Sugarloaf Mountain and Copacabana and Ipanema Beaches.
The monument of statue of Christ the Redeemer was inaugurated on the day of Our Lady of Aparecida, 12 Oct 1931 by then President of Brazil, Getúlio Vargas and cardinal Dom Sebastião Leme .
The innovative design of Statue of Christ the Redeemer Brazil was done by a Brazilian, named Heitor da Silva Costa. He was also the engineer in charge of the construction. He shared the project with French sculptor Paul Landowski. It was built from 1926 to 1931, with funds raised from donations. There's a chapel for 150 people on the stand of the statue.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Roman Colosseum
The Colosseum, which stands near the center of contemporary
The Colosseum is shaped like a contemporary football stadium and could seat 45,000 viewers. The four-story facility is 161 feet high, about 600 feet long and 500 feet wide. Events such as fights flanked by gladiators and between men and wild animals were detained there. Awnings could be hung from the walls to defend spectators from the sun.
The oval-shaped, sand-covered floor of the arena at first could be flooded for water spectacles. Later, though, cages for people and animals were installed under the arena. A wall alienated the arena from spectators whose seats rested on sloping concrete ropes as in many stadiums today.
Construction of the Colosseum started during the reign of Emperor Vespasian, who ruled from A.D. 69 to 79. building was completed in A.D. 80.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Taj Mahal

India’s pride and symbol of love and passion, Taj Mahal finally get the position among the new seven wonders as it deserves. The unofficially declaration held in a crowded soccer stadium at Lisbon in Portugal.It joined the other six greatest monuments including ‘Great wall of China’ and Peru’s Machu Picchu.
More than 100 million voters voted for this contest, said organizers on Saturday night. Taj Mahal joined the three Asian and two Latin American monuments along with only one European wonder. The Asian wonders are: ‘Taj Mahal’ of India, ‘Great Wall of China’ and ‘Petra’ of Jordan while in the Latin American monuments, ‘Chichen Itza’ of Mexico, ‘Christ Redeemer’ of Brazil and ‘Machu Picchu’ of Peru could get place in the list. ‘The Roman Colloseum’ of Italy is a single monument of Europe could able to get listed in the new wonders list.
Millions of people along with presented audience were cheered when Hollywood’s actor Ben Kingsley announced the list. The ceremony was live telecasted across the world. These new wonders replace the old wonders selected by Greek Scholars more than 2,000 years ago.
The old wonders were: ‘The Hanging Gardens’ of Babylon, ‘The Statue of Zeus’ at Olympia, ‘The Temple of Artemis’ at Ephesus, ‘The Mausoleum’ at Halicarnassus, ‘The Colossus’ of Rhodes, ‘The Lighthouse’ of Alexandria and ‘The Great Pyramid’ at Giza, Egypt in which only the Giza’s Pyramid is still in existence and the organizers have honoured it by giving a special category of wonder.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Vatican Museums
Gregory XVI (1831-1846) founded the Etruscan Museum (1837) with archaeological finds discovered during excavations carried out from 1828 onwards in southern Etruria. Later, he established the Egyptian Museum (1839), which houses ancient artifacts from explorations in Egypt, together with other pieces already conserved in the Vatican and in the Museo Capitolino, and the Lateran Profane Museum (1844), with statues, bas-relief sculptures and mosaics of the Roman era, which could not be adequately placed in the Vatican Palace. The Lateran Profane Museum was expanded in 1854 under Pius IX (1846-1878) with the addition of the Pio Christian Museum. This museum is comprised of ancient sculptures (especially sarcophagi) and inscriptions with ancient Christian content. In 1910, under the pontificate of Saint Pius X (1903-1914), the Hebrew Lapidary was established. This section of the museum contains 137 inscriptions from ancient Hebrew cemeteries in Rome mostly from via Portuense and donated by the Marquisate Pellegrini-Quarantotti. These last collections (Gregorian Profane Museum, Pio Christian Museum and the Hebrew Lapidary) were transferred, under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), from the Lateran Palace to their present building within the Vatican and inaugurated in 1970.
The Museums also include the Gallery of Tapestries, a collection of various 15th and 17th century tapestries; the Gallery of Maps, decorated under the pontificate of Gregory XIII (1572-1585) and restored by Urban VIII (1623-1644); the Sobieski Room and the Room of the Immaculate Conception; the Raphael Stanze and the Loggia, which were decorated by order of Julius II and Leo X (1513-1521); the Chapel of Nicholas V (1447-1455), painted by Fra Angelico; the Sistine Chapel, which takes the name of its founder, Pope Sixtus IV; the Borgia Apartment, where Pope Alexander VI lived until his death (1492-1503); the Vatican Pinacoteca, created under Pius XI (1922-1932) in a special building near the new entrance to the Museums; the Missionary-Ethnological Museum which was founded by Pius XI in 1926, arranged on the upper floors of the Lateran Palace and later transferred, under Pope John XXIII, to the Vatican where it has been opened again to the public in the same building which housed the former Lateran collections. In 1973 the Collection of Modern and Contemporary Religious Art was added and inaugurated by Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) in the Borgia Apartment. The Vatican Historical Museum, founded in 1973 and transferred in 1987 to the Papal Apartment in the Lateran Palace, houses a series of papal portraits along with objects of the past Pontifical Military Corps and of the Pontifical Chapel and Family and historic ceremonial objects no longer in use. The Carriage and Automobile Museum is a section of the Vatican Historical Museum. In the year 2000, the Vatican Museums opened a new large entrance that provides visitor information and other services; on display are many new artworks, two of which were specially created for this grand entrance hall.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sahara Desert

In July 2000 alone, nearly 8 million tons of dust from Africa's Sahara desert reached as far west as Puerto Rico. "If you figure that a pickup truck weighs 1 metric ton, that dust weighed as much as 8 million pickups," says NASA aerosol researcher Dr. Peter Colarco. Colarco works to create computer simulations that forecast the movement of dust given current weather conditions. NASA and its partner agencies want to know what drives the movement of this dust and how exactly the dust changes our environment, not only so scientists can better understand the health of our planet, but also so they can predict where dust will imminently affect people.
Take the case of Africa. Winds blow twenty percent of dust from a Saharan storm out over the Atlantic Ocean, and twenty percent of that, or four percent of a single storm's dust, reaches all the way to the west side of the Atlantic. The remainder settles out into the ocean or washes out of the air with rainfall. Scientists think that the July 2000 measurements, made in Puerto Rico, equaled about one-fifth of the total year's dust deposits. If these estimates hold true over the long term, then the entire state of Florida receives about three feet of dust every million years.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Machu Picchu

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sizou City

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sahara Desert

The Sahara divides the continent of Africa into North and Sub-Saharan Africa. The southern border of the Sahara is patent by a band of semiarid savanna called the Sahel; south of the Sahel lies the lusher Sudan and the Congo River Basin. Most of the Sahara consists of gravel hamada; ergs form only a minor part.
The Sahara has one of the harshest climates in the world. The existing north-easterly wind often causes the smooth to form sand storms and dust devils. Precipitation, while rare, is not unknown. Half of the Sahara receives less than 2 cm of rain a year, with the rest receiving up to 10 cm a year. The rainfall happens very infrequently, but when it does it is usually heavy when it occurs after long dry periods, which can last for years.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Potala Palace

The building measures 400 metres east-west and 350 metres north-south, with sloping stone walls averaging 3 m. thick, and 5 m. (more than 16 ft) thick at the base, and with copper poured into the foundations to help testimony it against earthquakes. Thirteen stories of buildings containing over 1,000 rooms, 10,000 shrines and about 200,000 statues, soar 117 metres (384 ft) on top of Marpo Ri, the "Red Hill", rising more than 300 m (about 1,000 ft) in total above the valley floor. Ritual has it that the three main hills of Lhasa symbolize the "Three Protectors of Tibet." Chokpori, just to the south of the Potala, is the soul-mountain (bla-ri) of Vajrapani, Pongwari that of Manjushri, and Marpori, the hill on which the Potala stands, represents Chenresig or Avalokiteshvara
Monday, March 31, 2008
Forbidden City

Built from 1417 to 1420, the composite consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,706 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 square metres. The palace complex exemplifies conventional Chinese palatial structural design, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved antique wooden structures in the world.
Since 1924, the Forbidden City has been under the charge of the Palace Museum, whose general collection of artwork and artefacts were built upon the royally collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Part of the museum's former collection is now located in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Both museums descend from the same organization, but were split after the Chinese Civil War.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple building: the temple mountain and the later galleried temple. It is designed to symbolize Mount Meru, home of the gods in Hindu mythology: within a moat and an outer wall 3.6 km (2.2 miles) long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the centre of the temple stands a quincunx of towers. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat is oriented to the west; scholars are divided as to the consequence of this. The temple is admired for the grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its widespread bas-reliefs and for the frequent devatas (guardian spirits) adorning its walls.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Great Wall of China

Anticipation abounds in the derivation, vicissitude and nature of the great wall of the Qin, Han, and Ming dynasties.The Great Wall was originally built in the Spring, Autumn, and martial States Periods as a suspicious strengthening by the three states: Yan, Zhao and Qin. The Great Wall went through steady extensions and maintenance in later dynasties. In fact, it began as self-governing walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great" wall until the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang succeeded in his attempt to have the walls joined together to fend off the attack from the Huns in the north after the amalgamation of China. Given that then, the Great Wall has served as a monument of the Chinese nation throughout history. A visit to the Great Wall is like a tour through the history backwards; it brings tourists great excitement in each step of the wall